I’d rather SEE a sermon.

I’d rather see a sermon than to hear one, any day.
I’d rather one would walk with me than merely tell the way,
All travelers can witness, the best of guides today
Is not the one who tells them, but the one who leads the way.
Fine counsel is confusing, but examples bring no fear.
Right living speaks a language that to everyone is clear.
The best of all the preachers are the ones who live their creed,
More what they are than what they say will cause men to take heed.
Though an able speaker charm me with his eloquence, I say
I’d rather see a sermon than to hear one, any day.

The Holy Spirit & Other Spirits

Excellent  236 page book!  Into section from the author –

Part l is given exclusively to a treatise on the Holy Spirit, and is concluded by a poem, “The Gift Unspeakable,” written expressly for this work by my friend and co-laborer, Robert Rothman.

Part II contains an exposition of evil spirits and their diabolical works. Thousands of such evil spirits and false ways could be mentioned, but we have treated only a few of the most prevalent and dangerous spirits of the present day.

HISTORY OF SPIRITUALISM.—To point out the most remarkable events in the history of spiritualism would require many volumes, so we shall content ourselves with a very brief outline of its diabolical career.

Possibly the first record we ave of spiritualistic manifestations was of the Egyptian sorcerers; but the Egyptians were not alone in such manifestations, for almost, if not absolutely, all ancient nations were more or less cursed with spiritualism, divination, sorcery, etc. —The first and surest proof that anything is false or true is the Word of God, to which we shall appeal. YOU CAN PICK THIS BOOK UP HERE!